Ministry Team

Rev. Dr. Gareth Icenogle 

Transitional Pastor
Rev.  Dr. Gareth Icenogle began his interim ministry with our church on Sunday,  April 2nd. Rev. Icenogle has degrees in ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, and music degrees from the University of California, Riverside and California State University of Los Angeles.   

Rev. K.C. Wahe 

Associate Executive Pastor
As of April 7th, 2024, Pastor K.C. was installed as an associate pastor..  He is a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and is a Doctor of Ministry student at International Theological Seminary
in West Covina, CA. 

Dave Lessley  

Elder/Clerk of Session
Elder Dave Lessley is our Clerk of Session, Dave and the Lessley family have been part of our church for many years. Dave is also our pastoral associate and assists in worship as needed and he has sung in our choir for several years. 

Rev. Catherine Kelley 

Stated Supply Pastor
Cathy, a graduate of Fuller Seminary and currently a Doctor of Ministry student, has been part of our church for several years. Cathy as of  January 12th , 2025 was  ordained as a Minister of Word & Sacrament and will serve on our pastoral team with Pastor Gareth, Pastor K.C., and Elder Dave Lessley.  Cathy will help lead our Adult Education ministry. 

Dr. Lisa Ham 

Music Director
Dr. Lisa Ham oversees the music department, including directing the Chancel Choir, Handbell Choir, and ensembles, as well as playing the organ. She has been with us at First Presbyterian Church of Burbank since she moved to California in 2004. 


Children's Ministry Director
We are starting the search for a part-time Children's Ministry Director.  Contact Pastor Gareth at [email protected] for details. 

Maria Alberto 

Church Communications
Maria serves as our Church Communication Coordinator, heading up the church office operations and the various forms of communication and outreach for BurbankPres.  Her husband Noli also serves with us here at BurbankPres. 

Tyler Wahe 

Tyler currently  serves in tech and other needs around the church,. Tyler also  is  a volunteer for Young Life CSUN and is a recent graduate of CSUN. starts a teaching credential program in Spring 2025. 

Noli Alberto 

Media/Building and Grounds
Noli currently  serves in tech and other needs around the church. Noli and his wife Maria both help care for our church all throughout the week. 

Pat Scalia 

Pat  is currently helping us in with church finances.. Pat is also a new Deacon starting in 2025.